The IMIAS Publication Committee has the purposes of: promoting the seamless and transparent use of databases developed as part of IMIAS and developing methods of interdisciplinary and multicenter collaboration. We hope to encourage and facilitate the publication and presentation of quality scientific results as fast as possible.
The IMIAS Publication Committee is composed by three members of the team.
Ricardo oliveira Guerra
Associate Professor
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte- Brazil.
Mohammad Auais
Postdoctoral Fellow
Queens University, Canada.
Catherine Pirkle
Assistant Professor
University of Hawaii, USA.
The IMIAS Publication Committee assists in coordination of publications with the objectives of:
- Reducing overlap/redundancies in publications about similar research questions.
- Facilitating collaboration among the team members.
- Tracking manuscripts and conference presentations (Proposed and submitted).
- Serving as “institutional memory” - What research has been done and is progress.
Who can submit a proposal for data analysis and / or dissemination of the results?
All researchers and students (with supervisor approval) involved in the IMIAS project. The researchers involved may sponsor proposals for new collaborators to expand the dissemination of results to new partners and institutions.
To publish scientific papers with IMIAS data some rules must be followed:
Authorship policy
- When data from the 5 research sites will be used, the minimum representation needed authors from 3 research sites.
- When data from less than the 5 research sites will be used, the minimum representation needed authors from 2 research sites.
- The first author is responsible for the paper(s), communication with the publication committee and for composing his/her team of coauthors.
- If you have difficulties to finding co-authors to meet policy requirements, please contact us and we will be happy to help.
- Once approved, the first author must update publication the committee about the manuscript production process. Deadlines for updates:
- In 3 months, the author should present the first draft or detailed outline.
- In 6 months, we need to know where the manuscript will be submitted
- At 1 year, we would like to know what was the publishing process decision. If the paper is still under review, we would like to know that too.
- Finally, after 1 year, if the above criteria were not met, we need an explanation from the first author as to the reason for the delays. The publication committee will decide whether to grant an extension or suspend the concept note. If the concept note is suspended, the topic will be free for other researchers to investigate.
To request the use of the IMIAS dataset you should complete a concept note proposal following this model.
You will find this file in the restricted area, if you do the previous steps. You must register with us to access the concept note form.
Please do not be afraid to work with us, a good communication with the publication committee can save you time and frustration.